Frequently Asked Questions

Making an appointment for therapy is not the easiest process, emotionally. Reaching out and making contact is of course, the hardest part. In addition to the emotional turmoil you might face, there are the logistical questions that are always helpful to have answered prior to your session.

How long will my session last?

Ordinarily, individual sessions are 50 minutes, and couples sessions are 80 minutes. Dependent upon the client’s wishes, we can allocate more time at an extra cost.

Is what I say confidential?

Yes! Your sessions are completely confidential. I like to tell my clients, “What you say lives and dies in this room”. There are only a few incidents where I would feel compelled to break confidentiality, and they all involve safety. If you are having suicidal or homicidal ideation, I will help you find the appropriate help to avoid harm to yourself and others. In addition to that, if you are involved, or have knowledge of abuse of a minor, I am ethically bound to report this to authorities.

Do you take insurance?

Yes! At this time I am in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield. If you participate with another network, I am more than happy to supply you with a superbill. This can be submitted to your insurance on your behalf in an effort to obtain reimbursement for your sessions.

What are your rates?

My rates per session are as follows:

  • $150 for initial individual sessions (60 minutes); $120 for every session thereafter (60 minutes)
  • $180 for initial couple’s sessions (80 minutes); $150 for every session thereafter (80 minutes)
  • Extended sessions are discussed on a case by case basis

Why see a therapist?

I believe that it can be incredibly helpful to involve a person in your life who is not part of your friend circle, or your family. Life is not without conflict. Sometimes, it can be a very liberating experience to discuss your conflict with an unbiased, objective ear.

What can you expect from counseling?

When you come to Dragonfly, you can expect to find a soothing environment. You can also expect to find that I will approach each of your sessions with authenticity and great care. Your sessions will usually be client-lead, which means that the client leads the majority of the content of each session. Every so often, you might find that I will steer the conversation to more difficult content. These sessions will feel like an “emotional workout”. These “workouts” are necessary, and you will feel all the more better for having them. From attending therapy, you should expect to learn more about yourself, and how to handle situations that caused interruption in your life prior to therapy. As with most things in life, you get out of therapy what you put in. If you are not truthful with your conflicts and hang-ups, then we can’t work on them.

As always, if you have any more questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email, phone, or my contact form.

All my best,